Saturday, November 19, 2011

1st time here this fall

Well it dosent feel like fall at all.  I had set out some Butternut Squash and some late Zucchini but a very early frost back before Halloween took those out immediately.  I had bush style Green Beans flowering and only 2 weeks to maturity and BAM gone!  The collards and lettuce seem to be enjoying the weather these chilly mornings.  The Sugar Snap Peas are having a harder time this go around.  They may be a Spring only crop for me.  I havent been here for a while because there is nothing but so so results to report.  I will continue to try to grow a Fall garden and the compost is still going strong. 

Thanks for your support out there.


Friday, July 8, 2011

Recently Harvested Bounty

I took a few shots of what came out of my swimming pools and boy Im grateful for this wonderful produce.  The watermelons and cantaloupe are coming along nicely.  I will  take some new pics of them soon.  Thanks to the people following my blog.  I am really excited about it.  Donna

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Watermelons in the old compost

All last year I composted in one of my pools in the garden..When it came time to plant this year, I sifted what seemed like tons of dirt with my compost mixed in.  I ended up with all the stuff that had not degraded and just left it there.  Well then I realized that I needed space for the where to put them but the old compost and boy am I glad I did.  The melons are going crazy.  These pictures are the first melons that we discovered, since then they have more than doubled in size.  (that was only 4 days ago)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

New Growth

Went outside this morning and am afraid I will lose some plants to the frost.  Looks like I may have to replace the cucumbers and watermelon.  I pulled some burned leaves off the peppers but will take it slow with them to see if they will be alright.  Got some excellent pictures of the cool weather plants.  The peas are growing great and the cabbage is bolting I hope.  It looks like its finally heading up. 

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

New pictures and thoughts

This past weekend I was able to get my raised pools done for the new garden plants.  As you can see I had some help.  Every bit of dirt that Will moved was done with those little beach sand shovels. He was fascinated with helping but got tired of it pretty quick.  I will get the old swing set placed over the pools soon to do trellis duty.  I aim to use the trellising for cucumbers and a whole bunch of green pole beans.  So far, everything is doing really well and the weather couldnt be better.  Hopefully I can get some okra started as I have had so so luck with it in the past. More to come.......

Friday, April 29, 2011

New pool beds going in this weekend

According to the Farmers Almanac this is not a good planting weekend.  So I will get 5 more beds ready for new plants.  New hot banana peppers, sweet banana peppers, and watermelon will go in towards the first of next week. I will also set squash seeds along with zucinni and cucumbers and cantaloupe.  Looks like my garden space will just about double this year.  I am hoping for good yields.  Please pray over my little garden for abundance and wish me lots of luck.  Donna

Sunday, April 24, 2011

These are already growing..Peas, Strawberries and Honey Bun

So New to this blogging thing

Hello friends,

 I am very new to this blogging thing.  I want to share my garden with you all and let you see how I have progressed through the seasons with my plants.  At the end of the growing season, I will be canning and preserving and possibly selling my homemade products right here on Google.  Please be patient as I will be updating this very often with pictures and posts.